
TheChi-Chiearthquakewasa7.3MLor7.7MwearthquakewhichoccurredinJiji(Chi-Chi),NantouCounty,Taiwanon21September1999at01:47:12localtime ...,Themuseumisdedicatedtothe7.3earthquakethatstruckthecenterofTaiwanat01:47:12.6TSTonTuesday,21September1999.921EarthquakeMuseumofTaiwan ...,The921earthquakemuseumofTaiwanlocatedinWufengDistrictconservedthedamagecausedbyJi-Jiearthquakesuchascollapsedschoolbuilding...

1999 Jiji earthquake

The Chi-Chi earthquake was a 7.3 ML or 7.7 Mw earthquake which occurred in Jiji (Chi-Chi), Nantou County, Taiwan on 21 September 1999 at 01:47:12 local time ...

921 Earthquake Museum of Taiwan

The museum is dedicated to the 7.3 earthquake that struck the center of Taiwan at 01:47:12.6 TST on Tuesday, 21 September 1999. 921 Earthquake Museum of Taiwan ...

921 Earthquake Museum of Taiwan > Scenic Spot Search ...

The 921 earthquake museum of Taiwan located in Wufeng District conserved the damage caused by Ji-Ji earthquake such as collapsed school buildings, fault rupture ...

921 Jiji Earthquake

On September 21, 1999, a magnitude 7.3 earthquake struck the Jiji area. It was one of the largest earthquakes of the last century. Casualties were serious, and ...

Lessons from the 921 Earthquake

The 921 Earthquake left over 51,000 buildings completely collapsed and over 53,000 buildings partially collapsed. Many more buildings were listed as unsafe.

Mortality of the 921 Earthquake in Nantou and Taichung ...

Early ill the morning on September 21, 1999 (921), a devastating earthquake registering 7.3 011 the Richter scale struck Taiwan. The epicenter was at Chichi in ...

Taiwan earthquake island's strongest in 25 years

5 天前 — The 921 Jiji earthquake toppled hundreds of buildings in central Taiwan, but Wednesday's temblor shook more parts of Taiwan with greater ...

Taiwan earthquake of 1999

2024年3月7日 — Taiwan earthquake of 1999, earthquake that began at 1:47 am local time on Sept. 21, 1999, below an epicentre 93 miles (150 km) south of ...

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